Zip Zap Zop
quick energizer game to unite a group
quick energizer game to unite a group
In pairs, one person describes a modern appliance to someone from 500 years ago
4 conversations about how to listen, acknowledge, and build
Partners face off and losers become cheering squad for winners until the last 2 are left to face off.
In pairs, players mirror one another's movements.
One person speaks gibberish and the other interprets
One person turns their back to the group and the rest of the group "gossips" about them in a positive way.
People introduce each other and take the other person's name. Continue until you meet your own name and the you sit down.
Imaginary ball thrown around the group and people spectacularly miss catching it.
In a circle you must call someone else's name before a zombie gets to you.
Pass around imaginary balls & other objects