Distinguished Lecturer Program

IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP)

This worldwide PES program provides lectures, in-person and through webinar format,  presenting topics of  interest for Chapter meetings. The lecturers are well-known Power Engineering engineers who have been working in their specialized areas for a long time. Apart from their technical expertise they have been actively involved volunteering for PES through various Chapter relevant roles locally, regionally or at the governing board of the society. This program brings experts otherwise not available to the chapters, and enhances technical activities and spread the value of the PES brand to members and non-members across their local technical communities.

lecturer program

DLP Important Links

Pre-scoping and applying for PES DLP by Chapter Chair

Feedback and Review Forms after the PES DLP Event

Nomination Form and Evaluation Rubric for New PES DL Application

Steps to get a PES Distinguished Lecturer

  1. Review the list of PES Distinguished Lecturer Listings
  2. Determine which speaker(s) you would like to approach about speaking
  3. Complete speaker request form and submit to .
  4. The PES DLP Committee will review the request and respond to the PES Chapter within 7-10 days of the request.

PES will share the cost of the program with the recipient chapter, section or region. The financial arrangements for providing a lecturer are as follows:

  • For lectures arranged in conjunction with a business trip, PES reimburses incidental expenses.
  • For lectures arranged with an employed lecturer, cost sharing with PES and employees is encouraged.
  • For lectures invited by Chapters which cannot be arranged as listed above, PES will pay the inter-city travel cost. The remaining cost will be the responsibility of the local chapter.
  • For lectures not listed in the PES DLP, PES will endeavor to treat financially similar to the above.


  • PES supports, as per the financial arrangement outlined earlier, a DLP lecturer visit to each chapter once per year. PES DLP program is for Chapter Chair initiated events and cannot be approved if the intent is for keynote/tutorials for a locally held PES Sponsored or other non-sponsored conferences.
  • Each individual DLP Lecturer can utilize this program up to three times per year, as per the financial arrangement outlined earlier. These three trips can include only a maximum of one inter-continental trip in that calendar year, while the others has to be around neighboring regions. 
  • The above policies have been put in place to ensure a fair and globally distributive administration of this program and to help spread the diverse expertise of the 100+ experts and their voluntary services for our members.

Any questions – please contact the PES DLP Committee via .