Sukumar Kamalasadan
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Control and Management of Bulk Power Grid with Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs)
In this webinar, the management and control of the electric grid with renewables especially in the bulk power grid is discussed. Functions that include renewable energy resources, energy storage, advanced management systems, and the operational framework is illustrated. Further, operational methods including newer management and control tools are presented with a special emphasis on supply-side management functions. Finally, evolving methods and pathways of electric grid management that integrate data sets generated from sensors and meters are discussed with a special emphasis on the overall reliability and resiliency of the electric grid with renewable energy resources.Optimal Reconfiguration and Resilient Control Framework for Real-Time Photovoltaic Dispatch to Manage Critical Infrastructure
In this presentation, we will discuss Optimal Reconfiguration and Resilient Control Framework for Real-Time Photovoltaic Dispatch to Manage Critical Infrastructure (Redis-PV). The main topic of discussion will the development of a grid management tool that detects cyber and physical threats, and forms dynamic clusters to optimally manage photovoltaic and energy. The core of the tool that allows management and control of DERs to support critical infrastructure is the main theme of the presentation. The tutorial includes the technical details and overall implementation methods.Renewable Energy Integration to Electric Grid with Battery Energy Storage: Challenges and Opportunities
In this presentation, challenges, and opportunities for renewable energy integration into the power grid are discussed. The main renewable energy resources that are considered include photovoltaics, wind farms, and batteries. Then, the main advantages of using grid-connected energy storage with PV farms are illustrated. This includes methods of using energy storage for a) smoothing intermittent PV outputs, b) regulating distribution system voltage, c) supporting energy time shift and, d) supporting frequency regulation. Then control approaches for managing renewable energy resources are illustrated. Finally, real-time, and distributed control of the modern power grid for grid stability and reliability in the presence of renewable energy resources are summarized.© Copyright 2023 IEEE — All rights reserved. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.