1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
by Stefan Lukic for Origami Entertainment.
With this energizer the idea is to introduce the topic of listening in a group that is going to work together.
With this energizer the idea is to introduce the topic of listening in a group that is going to work together.
The facilitators introduces the activity.
The idea is to count from 1, to.... as fas as you can get.
- Every participants says only one number.
- Numbers have to go in order. (1, 2, 3, 4, ...)
- Any participant can say a number at any moment.
- If two participants say the next number at the same time, they group has to start again from 1.
- The challenge is to get the further possible saying all the numbers in order without having 2 or more participants saying the same number at the same time.
- Rule: they cannot count "in order" depending how they are seated. E.g. they follow the 1, 2, 3, 4 ... in clockwise saying one of the numbers each of the people seated next to the previous one.
This activity helps sets up the mood for active listening. And also the "feeling" connection. You have to be able to "listen" and be "sync" with the people in the room. In order to flow together.
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