Battery Check ... How are YOU?

Battery Check ... How are YOU?
Check the energy level of teammates on mental and physical level. And at the same time create awareness in the team on what is going on with a person. You will activate empathy, understanding and inclusion.
It is ok not to be ok, we take care of each other and try to lift them up!
- Create a safe environment
- Show the battery slide
- Ask each individual in the team in which battery level they are and that they are free to explain why, but is is not required
- If they don't want to elaborate on the level, that is ok
- If they do, just listen without judging, give them the space to take the moment
- Ask as a facilitator, if they need help from the team
- As a facilitator you can connect privately with persons with a low battery (<50%)
- Repeat this exercise monthly to be most effective towards the team dynamics
As a scrummaster/facilitator, I felt a weird vibe in the team, during retrospectives and daily stand ups, but what can we expect after Covid, a constantly changing market, demanding customers, a digital transformation worldwide that is keeping you busy on any kind of screen 24/7 if you are not careful.
Lots of people are out of their comfort zone, so it is important to create a safe environment, where everyone is allowed to explain what is affecting their mood, why they are more quiet sometimes or maybe agitated. It is ok, to not be ok.
When I started this exercise, the team was surprised/scared at first to be open on how they were feeling, afreight of showing their vulnerability. But quickly they felt safe to open up on their battery level and the why. The team was amazing, they showed compassion and understanding. and gave each other a break if someone is having a rough day.
And for me, I can focus on the hard cases, the ones that really need help!
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