Double your money
This game is effectively shows the power and advantages of collaboration and can be a practical demonstration of the Prisoner Dilemma
This game is effectively shows the power and advantages of collaboration and can be a practical demonstration of the Prisoner Dilemma
The real name of this jolt is Proactive Planning, but using that name will give away the key point that we want players to discover. Presented as a word game, this jolt lulls lures players to go after immediate gains in a mindless fashion only to regret the action later.
Asking listeners to summarize your presentation from time to time is a good technique for encouraging people to listen carefully, take notes, and to review the content. Best Summaries uses this basic concept.
Here's a jolt that can be conducted within 99 seconds, raising awarness of our automatic stereotyping processes.
You already know a lot about factors that increase and decrease people's trustworthiness. This is because ever since you were a baby, you have learned through experience who to trust and who to distrust. This activity asks you to think about six people and decide why you trust or distrust them.
Here's a quick jolt that helps participants discover basic psychological facts about our memory.
Triads is a structured sharing activity for identifying the advantages and disadvantages of an object (examples: iPad, chicken soup) or a process (examples: meditation, conflict management). It also enables the participants to leverage the advantages and to reduce the disadvantages.