Blind Square - Rope game
Before the exercise begins, tie a length of rope (about 20m) into a circle. Also, provide blindfolds for everyone.
Instructions to Participants
To complete this activity, all the team has to do is to form the rope into the shape of a perfect square.
You will have 15 minutes planning time, during which no one may touch the rope.
At the end of this time, everyone will be blindfolded and the rope will be placed in your hands.
You will have 10 minutes to form the square.
All the team members must be holding the rope.
Once you think that the square is complete, lay the rope on the floor.
Ask questions to draw out responses that focus on any of these types of topics:
- Attention to detail
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Creating a square
- Evaluation
- Planning
- Problem solving
Don't tie the rope into a circle at the start.
Source: Thiagi Group - Nick Smith
Comments (6) (3.7 avg / 3 ratings)
Games that require participants to be blindfolded are not inclusive and not accessible for all members of the group. People with anxiety, trauma, neurodivergence, those who are Deaf of Hard of Hearing, people with low vision, people with balance or movement disorders..the list goes on. The use of blindfolds might put some of your team members in an uncomfortable or unsafe situation for them. Please consider that designing activities that won't work for everyone on the team is the opposite of teambuilding. And if you think your team doesn't include anyone that may be affected by an activity like this, ask yourself if you know your team well, or ask why your team doesn't have more diversity.
Great. Another variation I do is shapes of Alphabets eg. C, D, B, T, Z, X etc.
This is so creative.
it helps to identify the budding leaders . It also reflects the approaches to problem solving by each member i.e. his contribution and how the dynamics of the group accepts or rejects his suggestions . Team spirit and willingness of the member to listen to a positive idea to see that group aim is higher than his own
I use it to demonstrate leadership styles. It is common for team leaders to micromanage this activity. Other isues such as engagement, communicating goals also are clearly portrayed.
Hi Nick, I'm curious to try this and interested to know what usually happens? What are the themes it helps to illustrate? You talk about it 'delivering results' - what results do you mean? You also say you can 'frontload the activity to focus on particular issues by changing a few parameters or altering the instructions' - can you explain that more?