Brick Wall and Starry Heavens
The closing evaluation of a program.
To do a quick evaluation of the day's work in the midst of a longer program.
Types of participants: any
Ideal conditions: end of the day.
Pre-Work Required: print and cut out brick and star images
Type of Facilitator-Client Relationship: Any
Facilitator personality fit: Any
We want to spend some time doing a simple, quick evaluation.
1. Have the group work in small teams (3-6 people).
2. Photocopy a number of the stars and bricks attached here to use for input.
3. Ask the group, first as individuals, to take 5 minutes to write 3 - 5 items that they appreciated during today's session and 3 - 5 items that they found should be improved. If people start working together, ask them to focus individually for the 5 minutes.
4. Then ask each small team to share their thoughts with each other and take 10 minutes to create 5 - 7 stars (things appreciated) and 5 - 7 bricks (should be improved), and to post them on a pre-prepared chart.
5. Have the whole group come stand at the chart and read it.
a. What do you notice on the chart?
b. Where would you say there is agreement about points that need to be corrected for today?
c. Where is there some agreement about things that went well today?
d. Are there things that should be added?
1. Thank the group for their participation.
Follow-Up Required: The program should be modified to reflect the areas identified on the 'bricks'.
Usual or Expected Outcomes: list of items to keep in the program and items to change.
Derived from: unknown
History of Development: unknown
Alternative names: Bricks and Stars
Comments (1)
This activity may be executed online using collaboration boards that are prepared in advance with the required graphics.