Melissa Dinwiddie

But vs. And

by .  
6 - 103 - 5

Overview: Two groups plan a company party. The first time they must start each sentence with the words, "Yes, but..." The second time they must start their sentences with the words, "Yes, and..."


Additional Info


  • What happened?
  • How does it feel to have your ideas rejected? Accepted?
  • How did this experience compare to real life?
  • Why do we block other people's ideas?
  • How can we increase our willingness and ability to accept ideas?


Team building; creativity; communication



Round 1:

  • Ask for 3-5 volunteers or divide the room into groups of 3-5 (if it's an in-person group) [or split webinar into breakout rooms of 3-5 after giving them instructions]
  • Tell the group that they are in charge of planning the company holiday party.
  • Each person must contribute an idea. There is no specific order, but no one may contribute more than one idea in a row.
  • Anyone may start, and each successive idea must begin with the words, "Yes, but..."
  • Allow the exercise to continue for 2-3 minutes, or until it degenerates beyond repair.

Round 2:

  • Ask for 3-5 new volunteers or divide the room into groups of 3-5 (if it's an in-person group) [or split webinar into breakout rooms of 3-5 after giving them instructions]
  • Set up the same activity with the following adjustment: This time each new sentence must start with the words, "Yes, and..."
  • Allow the activity to continue for 2-3 minutes, or until the group seems satisfied and delighted. 


  • What happened?
  • How does it feel to have your ideas rejected? Accepted?
  • How did this experience compare to real life?
  • Why do we block other people's ideas?
  • How can we increase our willingness and ability to accept ideas?

Comments (1) 

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