Knowmium Learn

Call To Action Follow Up

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Used as a post-session follow up or multiple session activity, participants share their action plan or project success. Results can be posted and discussed on a shared network or brought to a later live session (such as a review session or informal group catch up). 



Encourage practice and improvement. Enjoy catching up personally and learning applications professionally.




    Process #1

    1, Participants submit results online via program LMS, message board, video submissions, etc.

    2. Discussions, comments, and feedback can be sent during participants’ leisure and free time. The facilitator can suggest discussion requirements and deadlines.

    Process #2

    1. Participants gather at a subsequent live, follow up, or review session, or casual meeting.

    2. Results are delivered live as simple discussions, prepared presentations, or materials.

    Continuation options

    a) Multiple follow ups and long-term connections are great, so repeat or vary the activity for future sessions. Alternatively, create casual conversation groups over LMS, message app, email, etc.

    b) Find ways to involve participants’ management or leaders in action plans, from providing feedback to simply being aware of accomplishments.


    Action plans are often specific to participants’ roles and lives, so allow them to explore measurements of success and how they’d like to share their results. Example sharing sessions: Brief summaries in the main session room, detailed summaries in breakout rooms, video summaries posted for others to view, etc.

    Also consider: How might someone like to share if they are still working towards their first accomplishment and have less to share?


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