Want to experience a fun, ever-change game? Bring a round of Calvinball to your next meeting - with a football, deckchairs, rackets, boomerangs, a deck of cards, a hula hoop, pens and paper (anything!) . . . and anyone can change the rules at any time.
Creating a sense of fun, play and creativity in a group! "Sooner or later, all our games turn into Calvinball." —Calvin
"Calvinball is a game invented by Calvin [of the Calvin and Hobbes comic] in which one makes the rules up as one goes along. Rules cannot be used twice. No Calvinball game is like another. The game may involve wickets, mallets, volleyballs, and additional equipment as well as masks."
- For a physical game: balls, any sports equipment - mix and match from different games.
- For a creative game: collage materials, pens, papers, cards, inspiration (books and magazines, etc.)
Set Up
- For a physical game: Have a big space to move around in. Spread any equipment or props around the play space. It can also help to start with a familiar game set-up so people can get involved easily before changing things up.
- For a creative game: create various creative stations in the room with different collage and drawing materials or inspiration
"Other kids' games are all such a bore!
They've gotta have rules and they gotta keep score!
Calvinball is better by far!
It's never the same!
It's always bizarre!
You don't need a team or a referee!
You know that it's great, 'cause it's named after me!"
The only rule is that each game of Calvinball must be different and fun!
At any time, any player can call out a new rule for the game you are playing, and everyone must follow the new rule.
Here are some examples - "You must only use your feet and not your hands!" "While the ball is in the air, everyone must crow like a Rooster!" "James is the ball!" "You must have exactly 5 words in every sentence you write." "Draw using only your left hand." "You must paint without lifting your brush from the canvas."
Debriefing a game of Calvinball (in any form) often adds to the fun while also helping us reflect on the nature of play. What did you and your group learn from this? What were the standout moments? What if your regular life was more like Calvinball? When would Calvinball be appropriate? How could we bring some more Calvinball into our lives?
I first came across Calvinball in Calvin and Hobbes and have used various versions of it a bunch of time when working with kids - it can be quite effective to run multiple times over successive sessions.
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