Clear Communication
In any content area, one difference between a beginner and an expert is the latter's ability to come up with different examples that belong to the same category. This activity strengthens your ability to come up with examples of communication concepts.
To set some good examples of different categories
Basic Idea
All players write an example that belongs to the category. Each player votes for the clearest example among those written by the other players. The player whose example received the most votes wins the game card.
Prepare a list of different categories that belong to the same training topic and for which players can come up with different examples.
Recently we played the game on the topic of communication skills. Here's our list of categories:
- Active listening behaviors
- Guidelines for writing an effective business memo
- Common communication mistakes
- Conflict management strategies
- Ways in which people filter the messages they receive
- Purposes of communication
- Types of questions
- Types of written communication
- Guidelines for effective graphics
- Rules for effective writing
Select one person to be the Prime Player. The following instructions are for the Prime Player:
Announce a category that belongs to the training topic.
Ask everyone to write down a single clear example that that belongs to the category. You should write a single clear example too.
When everyone has completed the task, begin with the player on your left and ask each player to read aloud the example they wrote on the piece of paper. Tell the players to read exactly what they wrote without any revision or embellishment.
Read the example that you have written.
After everyone has read her example, ask the players to spread out their pieces of paper on the table, written side up.
At the count of three, ask all players to point to the piece of paper that contains the clearest example. However, no player may point to her own piece of paper.
The piece of paper that has the most fingers pointing to it wins the round. The player who wrote this example earns a point.
In case of a tie, play the game again, using the same procedure. This time, however, the players may not use any of the examples used during the previous round.
Appoint the person on your left to be the new prime player. She chooses a new category that belongs to the same training topic. Play as before.
Source: Thiagi Group
Comments (1) (4.0 avg / 1 ratings)
The method of the activity really reminds me something between "Cards against Humanity" and "Dixit" card games ;)