Concept sketch
A concept sketch is a fast freehand drawing.
To be used in Ideation phase.
Quick way to iterate and refine concepts
1. As a team: select a design problem to explore.
2. A team member works as moderator and briefs the design team.
3. Each individual designer generates 10 sketches in 30 minutes.
4. Each designer presents their ideas to the group.
5. As a group, vote on ideas that are the most promising: 2 votes per person.
6. Select the three ideas with the most votes.
7. Each designer explores these ideas by generating 10 sketches of developments ofthe existing ideas over 30 minutes.
8. The team votes, and selects the best idea.
Good drawing skills will be needed, not everyone might have them.
Sketch of numerous ideas and a selection of the best ones based on opinions of the design team.
Build and test the selected concepts. Refine concepts.
Source: Digital Society School
REFERENCE: RODGERS, Paul A.; GREEN, Graham; MCGOWN, Alistair. Using concept sketches to track design progress. Design Studies, 2000, 21.5: 451-464. BUXTON, Bill. Sketching user experiences: getting the design right and the right design: getting the design right and the right design. Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.
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