cultureQs (Information on cultureQs and how to obtain materials: http://cultureqs.com)
- Accelerate Team Integration (Management Teams, Project Teams, Cross-Functional Teams, International Teams)
- Conflict Resolution
- Shaping Workplace Culture
1. Preliminary consultations with client to clarify the Focus Question.
2. All materials should be set up before the group enters the room
3. Brief introduction to session: focus, invitation to participate, emphasize core rules.
4. Participants engage with cultureQs (one hour)
5. 15 minute break
6. Intensive Sense-Making session
7. Participants then engage with each other on finding answers to their Core Question (see 1)
Background: http://cultureqs.com/about-cultureqs/
Story: http://cultureqs.com/the-cultureqs-story/
cultureQs Perspective of Culture: http://cultureqs.com/seven-layers-of-culture/
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