Library of facilitation techniques

Decision Making Workshop Activities

Tools and techniques to help a group in narrowing down options and decision making.
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Deborah Rim Moiso

Polling in hybrids

Most prioritization and polling processes require participants to either be in the same room (e.g. dot voting) or on the same whiteboard if online. Here is your cheat sheet on how to adapt those to hybrid environments! Tech tasks

Collect all available options on a virtual whiteboard

Number the options

Create a poll on a tool that is easy to use from phones (e.g. Mentimeter) and share the link

Dymitr Romanowski

Impact Effort Matrix for Software Requirements Prioritization

The Impact Effort Matrix allows prioritizing the implementation of requirements or product functionalities by considering the implementation cost and its impact on the product. Our proposed matrix is tailored to the process of Software Requirements Management and product development. Therefore, we understand Effort as the Implementation Cost, expressed in Scrum Points, and evaluate Impact while working with the matrix using group knowledge and intelligence or through the "Kano Model" exercise. The latter helps structure the discussion about Impact.
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