Energizer "Clowns' Maths"
Fun activation with serious background
Additional Info
- What did you experience?
- What did you find easy/difficult?
- Did you laugh? - Yes! - Oh, when exactly? - When we made mistakes. - You don't say!! ;-)
Conclusion: People laugh when they make mistakes. (When the mistakes exceed a certain budget or endanger others, we sometimes stop laughing. But It takes something to do that).
Also today, let's work together in such a way that we enjoy mistakes, laugh at them, and enjoy the learning effect.
Background: We use certain brain areas for counting and others for body movements. Therefore, we make mistakes especially when we combine both. If we would also replace the "3", counting together would be easier again. - A side effect of this exercise is that after concentrated, serious, tiring work, we are fresh again for the next training content.
- Activation after a break or a longer period of serious concentration. The mixed use of different areas of the brain - speech and movement - challenges and stimulates.
- Casual introduction to the topic of error culture
Round 1: Participants form A-B pairs. The trainer demonstrates with a volunteer how to count to three alternately. Then in pairs: A and B face each other and take turns counting to three. - approx. 1 min.
Round 2: Once this is established, the trainer demonstrates again with the same participant: A replaces the "1" with a gesture or body movement (as funny as possible), B says "2", A says "3", B now copys the gesture or movement that A introduced, A says "2", and so on. In the process, get faster and faster. - approx. 1 min
Round 3: If this works well after a while, the trainer demonstrates again with the same participant: B replaces the "2" with another body movement, the "3" is still counted normally. - approx. 1 min
Note: The body movements should NOT represent the numbers. So, for instance, raising two fingers for the "2" does not qualify.
Online variation: Divide participants into pairs and send them into breakouts for 1 min for each round.
Crazy Online variation: As an extra, a fourth round can be played in plenary, in which the participants replace the "3" with the name of any participant. This leads to a funny, even more confusing chaos due to the many name calls. - Works well with groups that feel like playing.Experience: Is fun for everyone and has an activating and bonding effect.
Great acceptance due to self-determined amount of comedy in the gestures or movements.
Serious background justifies the silliness.
Gives great pictures for the photo protocol (only in presence) ;-)
Erich Ziegler, Das australische Schwebholz, 4th revised edition 2012, game 112
Online additions in personal conversation with Erich Ziegler
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