Strategy Futuresearch - initiation workshop
This is an agenda for an initial 4-hour FutureSearch workshop
To discuss ideas for relevant global and local themes to strategize for.
To create a shared understanding of what is relevant to focus on.
Make a start for some tangible output.
Introduction - 30 mins
Welcome and overview of the workshop objectives
Participant introductions and icebreaker activity
Exploring the "What Is" - 60 mins
Brainstorming session on the global and local trends impacting the organization/industry
Identifying trends, challenges, and opportunities arising from these trends
Envisioning the "What If" - 90 mins
Imagining future scenarios and possibilities in light of the identified trends
Developing a shared vision for addressing global and local themes
Mapping the "What Can Be" - 90 mins
Strategizing and Action Planning:
Identifying key themes to focus on
Developing concrete strategies and action plans to realize the desired future state
Assigning roles, responsibilities, and timelines
Wrap-up and Next Steps - 30 mins
Summarizing key outcomes and tangible outputs
Discussing implementation and follow-up mechanisms
Closing remarks and feedback
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