Habit Builder
Reflect on their progress through optional use of journal entries and selecting an accountability buddy to stay engaged along the way.
Habit Builder allows participants to commit to one small habit over 21 days. Participants are prompted to check-in regularly (self-rating on a scale of 1 – 10), reflect on their progress through optional use of journal entries and selecting an accountability buddy to stay engaged along the way.
Anatomy of Habits
Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day.
Your life today is the sum of your habits.
Habits account for about 40% of our behaviours on any given day (Duke University).
The Power of Tiny Gains - The 1% Rule
- If we improve by 1% every day for a year, then we will be 37.78 x better.
- If we get worse by 1% every day for a year, then we will be .03 worse.
Three Rules
Start with a version of the habit that is incredibly easy for you.
Increase your habit every day.
All sets must remain easy (break down total habit into easier pieces if needed).
Be Do Get
The first layer is changing your outcomes. This level is concerned with changing your results: losing weight, publishing a book, winning a championship. Most of the goals you set are associated with this level of change.
The second layer is changing your process. This level is concerned with changing your habits and systems: implementing a new routine at the gym, decluttering your desk for better workflow, developing a meditation practice. Most of the habits you build are associated with this level.
The third and deepest layer is changing your identity. This level is concerned with changing your beliefs: your worldview, your self-image, your judgments about yourself and others. Most of the beliefs, assumptions, and biases you hold are associated with this level.
Changing your beliefs isn’t nearly as hard as you might think. There are two steps.
1. Decide the type of person you want to be.
2. Prove it to yourself with small wins.
Want to lose weight?
Identity: Become the type of person who moves more every day.
Small win: Buy a pedometer. Walk 50 steps when you get home from work. Tomorrow, walk 100 steps. The day after that, 150 steps. If you do this 5 days per week and add 50 steps each day, then by the end of the year, you’ll be walking over 10,000 steps per day.
Keys to Successful Habit Change
Choose an accountability buddy.
Organise regular reminders and check-in on your progress.
Engage in a structured reflection 20-40 days later.
The 21-day Habit Builder bridges the gap between learning new skills and establishing lasting habits, and provides visibility into how new behaviours are becoming embedded in your organisation.
When individuals embrace new behaviours, you can start to see the real return on your investment in their development, collectively achieving better results in the process.
Ask them to complete it live in the session (scan the QR code in the slides or one below and enter the code).
NB: Homework: They were asked to watch the Habit Builder video for pre-work (between sessions 1 and 2 if split over different days, so this can be gone over pretty quickly).
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