Library of facilitation techniques

Idea Generation and Innovation Activities

Idea generation techniques to get your group into creative thinking mode and boost innovation. Help people to find new perspectives and build on the collective inspiration of your group.
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Concept Map

Studenten maken een Concept Map om concepten en thema’s te identificeren en de onderlinge relaties te visualiseren.

In een Concept Map kunnen de relaties en verhoudingen tussen ideeën, concepten en belangen schematisch weergegeven worden, zodat het verband met het centrale onderwerp of idee zichtbaar wordt. 

Andrea Beliczki

Make it personal

Build personas of ideas, products or experiences.

Imagine your product is a person. What's its name? What would its ideal date night be? Does it prefer the beach or the woods? This exercise is a playful way to nail down the essence of your idea, product, or service. Use it in ideation or as a way to hone an existing concept.

Gamestorming methods


Images have the ability to spark insights and to create new associations and possible connections. That is why pictures help generate new ideas, which is exactly the point of this exercise.