You can sign up for free SessionLab account. On the Sign up page select the button with IAF logo under the ‘sign up with’ section on the right. If you are already logged in to IAF website your SessionLab your account will be created. Otherwise, you will be redirected to IAF log in page, and after successful log in, your account will be created.

We will use your IAF email address and user name for your new SessionLab account. You can change this information later in your account settings. After account creation you will be brought to SessionLab welcome page and will be able to start using all the SessionLab features.
From then on you will be able log in to SessionLab using your IAF account by clicking on button with IAF logo under ‘log in with’ section on the right side of the SessionLab log in page.
If you already have SessionLab account and IAF membership, including access to IAF website, you can easily connect the two account. Go to your SessionLab account settings and find the ‘Connect to IAF’ option under your picture profile. If you are already logged in to IAF website, the accounts will be connected directly and you will get a message of successful connection. Otherwise, you will be redirected to IAF log in page, and after successful log in, your accounts will be connected.

After the accounts are connected you will also be able log in to SessionLab using your IAF account by clicking on button with IAF logo under ‘log in with’ section on the SessionLab log in page.