Preparing a course with ADDIE
In this easy-to-use template you will find 5 sections based on the popular ADDIE model of instructional design. Start preparing your next course today!
Created by Deborah Rim Moiso – SessionLab

In this easy-to-use template you will find 5 sections based on the popular ADDIE model of instructional design. Start preparing your next course today!
Created by Deborah Rim Moiso – SessionLab
The ADDIE model for learning design is a 5-step process you can follow to ensure your training courses are a perfect fit for client needs.
In this template you will find a rundown of the entire process, from the first needs assessment meeting to a final evaluation of the course’s effectiveness.
A ready-made canvas for Needs Analysis is included to support you in organizing information.
Use this template if you are a newcomer to learning design and want to ensure your work ticks all the boxes. You can copy-paste it and adapt it to your workflow by changing the order of blocks and adding new activities.
The ADDIE template covers every stage of the process of creating a new training course.
Begin with a meeting to assess training needs, then spend time on your own or in your design team designing and developing training modules and collecting materials. Publish and launch the course, then collect feedback to evaluate your work.
Deborah Rim Moiso
Deborah Rim Moiso is an Endorsed Facilitator with the IAF – International Association of Facilitators and the former co-chair of the Italian IAF Chapter. She is also a content writer for SessionLab and a published author of a manual and deck of cards on facilitation available in Italian (Facilitiamoci! Prendersi cura di gruppi e comunità). She traines new facilitators and has designed and co-led 6 years of climate entrepreneurship summer schools, online and in-person, for the EIT Climate-KIC.
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