Morning Meeting
A complete plan and schedule of activities for teachers and students to start the day together.
Created by Deborah Rim Moiso – SessionLab

A complete plan and schedule of activities for teachers and students to start the day together.
Created by Deborah Rim Moiso – SessionLab
A morning meeting is a familiar way of starting the day in many kindergartens and schools. The types of activities and style can change as the children grow up, but the general structure will work with all ages. In fact, it is not at all different from a morning check-in or stand up company meeting!
A morning meeting generally lasts about 30 minutes and follows a general outline:
This template will give you a good starting point to design your own morning meetings.
Long-term success depends on getting the balance between having a reassuring ritual and keeping it fresh. Ask the students themselves for ideas on what they’d like to do during morning meetings.
If you need some more inspiration, many icebreaker and energizer activities geared to adults can be easily adapted for morning meeting use!
Every teacher and educator has the skills to host a morning meeting. Just make sure the rest of the school staff is onboard and informed of what you plan to do!
More materials on participatory practices for raising engagement in school can be found in our “Teacher as Facilitator” guide. Here you can find an example of a lesson plan that incorporates ideas from workshop design.
Deborah Rim Moiso
Deborah Rim Moiso is an Endorsed Facilitator with the IAF – International Association of Facilitators and the current co-chair of the Italian IAF Chapter. She is also a content writer for SessionLab and a published author of a manual and deck of cards on facilitation available in Italian (Facilitiamoci! Prendersi cura di gruppi e comunità). For the past six years she has been working with professors and researchers to introduce facilitation practices in Higher Education Institutions as a coach in the ClimateKIC’s education programs.
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