✓ Understand the ‘how’ of influencing.
✓ Demonstrate an understanding of the 5-Step IWA Model and its application.
✓ Understand the role of authority in influencing others.
✓ Develop a Game Plan for immediate implementation (if appropriate).
The learning objectives for this session are to:
✓ Understand the ‘how’ of influencing.
✓ Demonstrate an understanding of the 5-Step IWA Model and its application.
✓ Understand the role of authority in influencing others.
✓ Develop a Game Plan for immediate implementation (if appropriate).
Who thinks influencing without authority is easy? Who thinks its hard? You’re not alone (bank example blowing $800m).
Effective leadership today relies more than ever on influencing others — impacting their ideas, opinions, and actions. While influence has always been a valuable managerial skill, today’s highly collaborative organizations make it essential. Success depends on your ability to effectively influence both your direct reports and the people over whom you have no direct authority.
Slide: We will look at influencing at both a personal level and a systems level.
Slide: Objectives and Agenda. How we deploy ourselves is important).
Slide: Phil intro
Now let’s look at personal systems level of influencing: Slide: Same slide – System + People
Brain Games Video: https://youtu.be/o8BkzvP19v4
Debrief: Context is critical, social learning, norms, culture, all make a difference.
What can we take from the video in terms of influencing? We need to think more broadly than just the 1-on-1 exchange because influencing is much more complex than that.
Slide: Definition: Influencing - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.
1. Reflect on an influencing challenge (see separate handout)
2. Reading - Article by Phillip
3. Read Chapter: Influencing Without Authority
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