Revealing Metaphors: Quickly Reveal the Hidden, Unique Essence of Each Person’s Approach to an Activity (aka Jediplication; Speed Clean)
Help people to share their individual way of navigating an activity - such as doing their work, or attending an event - by combining the revealing power of metaphor with a series of simple interactions.
When people are hesitant to engage with each other, for example at the beginning of an event, you can help them to actively feel heard, and create a space where discovering and sharing rarely-noticed personal talents and insights becomes straightforward.
Once participants feel heard and have begun to share, they will be more inclined to trust, to work together, and to take interpersonal risks. And each person will have created an enduring personal image to carry with them and to share with others.
I've been using this for years as a Clean Language introduction, and recently submitted it as a candidate Liberating Structure because I'd love to see loads of other people trying it out.
Works in person or online, with six to 600+ people.
Participants enjoy a series of short, high-energy 'mixer' conversations that help everyone to develop their own thoughts on a topic of shared interest. They'll ask and be asked two #CleanLanguage questions that reliably elicit valuable and accurate information – including things people don’t know that they know.
Before the session
- Create a starter question in the form “When you are <doing focus topic> at your best, you are like… what?” Examples: “When you are working at your best, you are like… what?” “When you are facilitating at your best, you are like… what?”
- The starter question, and the following information, should be placed somewhere they can be seen throughout the activity (on a slide, in a handout, in the online chat):
- What kind of X?
- Is there anything else about X?
—- [info starts]
The X in these questions stands for any of the person’s own words. The questions can be asked in any order, as many times as you like, about anything the person says. Keep going until the time is up!
—- [info ends]
Session Flow Script
Say something like:
All right everyone, get ready for a fun, fast-paced, and playful activity! We're going to dive into the amazing ways you organise your life using metaphors.
Step 1: Draw It Out
Take a look at this question related to our focus : "When you're [doing focus topic] at your best, you're like... what?" [on a slide or handout visible to all]
Take a few minutes to think about it and then roughly sketch or write your answer on a sticky note or your name badge. Don't worry about being an artist – messy is good! We have about 4 minutes for this.
Step 2: Talkers and Askers In Motion
This is a quick-fire exchange where you'll have a bunch of short conversations in pairs about your drawings. I'll let you know when it's time to switch roles or partners.
You'll only have two questions to ask each other, and you have to use the other person's words to figure out their metaphor.
One of you will be the "Talker" describing your drawing, and the other will be the "Asker" using the two questions to dig deeper. We'll take a couple of minutes to go over this in detail. 2 min
Step 3: The Demo
I'll do a quick demo with a colleague so you can see how it works.
[On a slide or handout visible to all].
What kind of X?
Is there anything else about X?
The X in these questions stands for any of the person’s own words. The questions can be asked in any order, as many times as you like, about anything the person says. Keep going until the time is up!
Step 4: Ready, Set, Action
Find a partner and start chatting! The Talker kicks things off by saying a few words about their drawing. The Asker then uses the two questions to explore and reveal more about the metaphor. You'll have 2 minutes for each role.
Step 5: Switch it Up
Now swap roles and do it again! Another 2 min. 12 min total
We'll repeat those last two steps a couple more times so you can chat with different people and hear more amazing metaphors. 2 rounds, 4 minutes each, 8 mins total
Step 6: All Together Again
Allright, is there an insight or reflection on this activity you think everyone should hear? Take two or three comments and start a transition to another activity. 2 min
Step 7: Share resources
Please share the following tip:
"Clean Language questions can sometimes go very deep, very quickly, and energy flows where attention goes. So, it’s more fun for everyone to ask these questions about the good stuff in people’s lives than about their problems. That's why we started with a question about 'at your best'. As you start to use these questions 'in real life', try asking people what kind of holiday, anything else about that great weekend etc. Asking these questions about challenges, problems and symptoms can come later."
Some resources to share:
Activity devised by Judy Rees https://judyrees.co.uk/2024/07/17/jediplication-a-clean-based-candidate-liberating-structure/
Clean Language questions were created by the late David Grove https://judyrees.co.uk/what-is-clean-language/
Starter question format devised by Caitlin Walker
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