Ah Soh Koh
A simple, quick-thinking energizer played in a circle where players must respond with the correct hand gestures to stay in the game!
Start with the group standing (or sitting) in a circle. Use hand gestures for the folowing:
- Ah (hand under the chin palm facing the floor)
- So (hand at forehead, in salute fashion), and
- Ko (arm and hand out in front of you pointing at another player).
One person starts with “Ah” (hand to neck). The direction the hand is pointing, that person follows with “So” (hand to forehead). Similar, the direction of the hand signals that person to do “Ko”. And so on... If someone “messes up” or forgets to act they are “outta the game.”
At that point, they step out of the circle, and the person to the right has a silent 3 second count to start the game again with “Ah”.
Game continues until 2-3 people are left (up to you whether the last 2 compete for AhSoKo champion title!).
Optional ways to continue to involve everyone:
- The people who get “out” create their "outside" version going on at the same time. Need at least 3 to be "out."
- The people who get “out” can become “hecklers” whose job it is to try to get the others to mess up. Rules of being a heckler are, hecklers must stay on the outside of the circle, cannot obstruct vision, physically touch anyone, or be cruel.
- Include a person in the middle of the circle who is "it." Give that person half a pool noodle.
Whoever is "it" uses a pool noodle to tag whoever's turn it is each round, the person who is tagged is out, rather than whoever messes up...often if a person messes up they will be the one tagged but it keeps participants attentive as they compete with whoever is "it."
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