A Day in the Life
Small-group activity with large-group debrief. Participants create flip-chart descriptions of a day in the life of their styles and share them with the large group.
To create a forum which allows participants to share about their own styles while learning about and asking questions of other styles.
To help participants gain insight into other styles.
To generate respect and appreciation for other styles.
Arrange one flip-chart in each corner of the training room. To visually represent the Everything DiSC® map, label charts as follows:
- "D" in the front left of the room; "i" in the front right of the room; "S" in the back right of the room; "C" in the back left of the room.
- If the size of the room or availability does not accommodate four flip-charts, designate a table for each style. Provide flip-chart paper and markers at each table.
Direct participants to gather at the chart/table designated for their style.
- It is okay to have one-person groups.
- If a style is not represented in your session, be prepared with a flip-chart description of that style to present.
- If a person's style is "on the line" between two styles, have them go to the style group which has fewer people in it to balance participation.
Instruct participants to work together in their style group to describe a day in the life of a person with their DiSC® style.
- Suggest they use what they've learned from their profile as well as their own experience to create the description on their flip chart.
- They can use words, statements, pictures - whatever they want to describe what it is like to be them.
Ask them to consider these questions as they create their description:
- What are your greatest contributions to your workplace?
- What are your greatest fears?
- How do you define failure?
- How do you define success?
- How are you misunderstood?
- How can other styles relate better to you?
Give them 8 minutes to work in their small groups. Set the expectation that each style group will present its "day in the life" to the large group when time is called.
- Provide 4 minute and 1 minute time checks.
- Be prepared to present for any missing styles. You can reference the Style Guide at the back of an Everything DiSC® Workplace report as needed.
Prior to having the groups report out, ask participants to stand in their small groups roughly where their dot falls on the Everything DiSC® map. As they report out, this will allow you to explore nuances to the different styles (such as how a DC is different than a CS, for example).
Ask for a group to volunteer to go first. Allow them to present their flip-chart.
- Follow up on questions as needed to gain clarity around the styles.
- Do not correct groups about their contributions, words, and expressions unless something is blatantly incorrect.
- You might ask questions to clarify if what they are saying has to do with a combination style (such as iS or SC), or may be more aligned with an extra priority. Acknowledge how difficult it is sometimes to tease apart primary and extra attributes.
Ask if anyone has any questions they'd like to ask this style group?
- Facilitate a dialogue as needed, being mindful of time constraints as you want to allow ample time for each group to present.
- As groups are reporting out and others are reacting, be sure to respectfully call participants on pigeonholing and stereotyping. Remind them that DiSC® is used to understand and appreciate others, not to label people or excuse behaviors.
Repeat this process until all four styles have presented, going in the order of the DISC model.
- As you transition from one style to the next, ask what the group notices in common between the two styles, and what they notice different about the two styles. This will reinforce their clarity of the underpinning DiSC model, and thus minimize too much emphasis on the styles along.
- You will likely hear each group define failure and success differently. This can be a key learning, especially for intact teams.
- You might ask questions such as "What would happen if we didn't have any of the behaviors this style exhibits in the workplace?" "What would happen if everyone had this style?" These questions help illuminate the unique value different styles provide, and can be especially helpful for intact teams or in cultures that highly value certain styles over others.
Wrap up the activity by first asking how the last of the four styles to present was similar and different from the first style that presented. This closes the circle.
Next, ask participants what they learned from the activity? What are some things they admire about the other styles that they didn't realize before? Encourage them to write key takeaways on their handout or in their profiles.
This activity originated as training in the Everything DiSC® by Wiley Authorized Partner network. It became a part of the published Everything DiSC® Workplace facilitation kit. This version has been modified by Sharon Wingron, CPTD, based on her experience delivering DiSC training to 1000s of people over 20 years.
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