Mat Exercise
What does it feel like? What are you thinking about those around you when in this space? From others: what’s it like when others are in this space? What do you see/hear/feel? Separate from intention.
Go to your highest scoring area in the creative half, inner or outer, and then ask them to do the same exercise re what is going through their mind when they are in that area, and how people react to them there? And then how is that different from working in the reactive area? Which is more effective? Which do they prefer to be operating from? Area of focus going forward?
Team/organisational aspiration? What does our team need going forward?
Circulate team profile. Discussion: Where are we strong? Vulnerable? What do we need to focus on to achieve the strategy? Mat exercise.
This course is (in part) about helping to bridge the gap between where you are today and your aspirations.
Individual reflection.
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