My Daily P.A.C.T.
This is a solo exercise to help you kick-start your day with a daily P.A.C.T. to create more intention, gratitude, joy, and transformation in your life.
Take time to reflect, set intentions and express gratitude through journaling.
Well-being is something we hear more and more about - especially in an increasingly remote and hybrid working world. What is it? And how do you foster it? Well-being shows up in many cultures differently where values and visions for certain things and lifestyles vary.
That said, we have found that using reflection, connecting to our purpose & values, day-to-day emotions, and developing our self-awareness - that working with a tool like My Daily P.A.C.T. can be the additional support we need to ensure we remain energized, positive, and that we are a contributor to our organization and anywhere that matters.
Step 1:
P: Reclaiming your Power
Every time you are triggered throughout the day (i.e. lose your patience, burst with anger, suffer embarrassment, feel guilty about an action) your higher self is signaling you to explore further.
Behind every emotion, there is an underlying belief that influences it. Your emotional response to any situation is linked directly to something you believe. (i.e. “There’s never room for mistakes” or “If you want something done right, then do it yourself.”)
Sometimes beliefs keep us stuck in an emotional space that does not serve our highest good. Why? Because our emotions carry energy. That energy acts like a magnet. The energy that you embody attracts similar types of energy. You might link the energy described here with the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy - a sociological term used to describe a prediction that causes itself to become true.
For example, a person who is angry all the time will continue to attract situations that perpetuate anger.
Get it?
While it is natural for humans to experience the full spectrum of emotions, it’s in our best interest to elevate our emotional home to levels of courage, willingness, love, and joy. When we are triggered and respond negatively, it’s time to sink into the feeling to understand what you are REALLY responding to.
When you do that, you will uncover the belief that is behind the emotion. Then you get to choose whether you wish to write a new belief that serves you better. Rewriting beliefs elevate your emotional state and increase your energetic power.
In that "higher energetic state", you will likely attract experiences that feel happier and more abundant.
In your journal, answer these questions to reclaim your power:
- What triggered me today?
- How did I respond?
- Why did I respond the way I did? (keep asking “why” until you uncover the real reason. This will reveal a personal belief.)
- How has this belief impacted me?
- Can I rewrite the belief to serve me better?
Do you see a pattern that triggers you most?
- Imagine the new belief in action.
- Feel the impact of its power.
Step 2:
A: Appreciate every experience
It’s important to savor the moments that bring joy and lift your spirit. It’s equally as important to appreciate the moments that present something difficult.
Appreciation (aka gratitude) raises emotional energy. Practicing appreciation regularly conditions your essence to reside in a more powerful emotional home. Your environment will begin to mirror this change.
In your journal, answer these questions to help feel appreciation every day:
- What can I savor from today? (something as small as 5 mins of the sun or something as big as receiving a refund in the mail)
- Why did you savor that moment? How did it make you feel?
- What challenged me today?
- Why was it challenging?
- Is there an opportunity to reclaim my power from this?
- What have I learned?
Step 3:
C: Choose one full-body yes today A full-body yes is akin to “my whole-being says yes to something'' - hence I do not doubt for one moment to go for it!
There is a famous quote by Anne Dillard that states:
"How we spend our days is how we spend our lives."
If you wish to live a joyful life, it’s best to start adding joy to every day. Starting each day with an intention of doing something that makes your heart smile will increase the likelihood that you will fulfill it.
In your journal, answer these questions to create intentions of joy:
- What is 1 thing that feels like a full-body “yes” and will light my heart? (this can be as small as 5 mins of mindfulness or as big as having dinner with a friend)
- What can I remove that feels like a full-body “no” to make space for this?
- Did I do it?
- If yes, How does it feel?
- If not, What got in the way?
Step 4:
T: Notice what is Transforming
We learn so much in stillness and silence and yet we continue to cram so much into our time we can barely breathe.
When you reflect on the happenings of the day, you will notice synchronicities beginning to occur. As these tiny events continue to unfold, you’ll find evidence of change. When that happens, you begin to trust the power residing within the universe and you.
In your journal, answer these questions:
- What did I manifest (generate/create) for myself today?
- Have I noticed a change in myself, my mood, my emotions, my energy?
- What ideas or motivations have I developed?
- Do I notice a change in any of my relationships?
- What else is changing?
Step 5:
Enjoy exploring you further!
And remember, living an intentional day will ultimately lead to living an intentional life.
Credit: Alyson DeMaso - Founder, Raising Beauty
Source: Hyper Island toolbox
Hyper Island designs learning experiences that challenge companies and individuals to grow and stay competitive in an increasingly digitized world. With clients such as Google, Adidas and IKEA, Hyper Island has been listed by CNN as one of the most innovative schools in the world.
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