No cutting corners (just count them)
A simple exercise to get people to look around and share a laughter after some funny moments - suitable for remote teams as a quick energiser.
Lighten the mood - it's a simply silly exercise and it will likely a generate short conversation in which you'll learn about your colleagues' physical workspace.
This is ideal at an online meeting, ideally not more than 15-20 people. It is only fun if everyone has the camera on.
It is best to use this exercise with teams that already know each other well.
- Tell people that we're going to do a short game: you are going to count how many corners (i.e. corners on the wall surface) are in the room where you are at. Tell them not to start looking around yet, only when you start.
- Ask people to start counting, give maximum a minute for people to do this.
- While people are looking around in all angles, make some screenshots (make sure that the video conferencing app is in gallery view so you can see everyone)
- After the time is up, ask people to take 30 second to look around and make a guess who has the most.
- Ask people to put the name of the person they think has the most corners in the video chat. Do it in chat waterfall style: count down, so everyone presses sends their guess at the same time.
- Now do another chat waterfall by people noting down the number of corners they counted.
- Check who is the winner for both waterfall :)
- Let people have a short chat - whatever this inspires them to do.
- After the time is up, ask people to share their number in a chat waterfall style
Note it down for yourself or remember it.
Then take 30 second to look around and make a guess who has the most. Prepare this number in the chat waterfall.
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