Non-judgmental Feedback
By asking open questions, you stay away from judgement; choices can be made later.
Non-judgmental feedback helps to create space for improvement and ideas. Asking open questions that are reflected upon later gives space for individuals to reflect and improve their work later on, it keeps the stream of thought open. It helps to stay away from judgment and gives space to reflect.
After an exercise such as the Wheel of Reasoning, participants can present the scenarios they came up with. After, the audience gives non-judgmental feedback, which is by only asking questions. The participants receiving the feedback write down the question and can reflect on them later on. They do not respond to the questions in order to stay away from judgment. The questions can help the group to improve what they are working on. Explain that if you receive questions, it means that things are still unclear to your story.
How it works
Each group has 3 minutes to pitch their scenario. After, the audience has 2 minutes to ask questions about the presentation. The facilitator repeats each question so that everyone can hear clearly. The participants write down each question so that they can reflect on them later on.
Important remarks
This exercise can be best combined with the Wheel of Reasoning or a similar tool.
Matthew & Sayers - Emotional Intelligence: the art of non-judgmental feedback
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