Communication Styles : P.A.A
This activity is for communication style module. This is better conducted post completing the part on communication styles (Communication styles - Passive, Aggressive & Assertive).
To make the participants realize how each communication style work under different circumstances and pros & cons in each communication style.
Note for the facilitator: 1. Prepare chit bowl , each chit will carry one communication style, like wise prepare the sets based on the participants size. 2.Choose a topic for a group discussion it can be any topic.
Step 1 : Brief the participants on the activity.
Step 2: Ask the participants to sit around a single round table.
Step 3: The facilitator will ask each participant to pick a chit from the chit bowl (each chit will have one communication style).
Step 4: Participants will not reveal the communication style.
Step 5: Now the facilitator will tell the participants to start the group discussion on the topic chosen by the facilitator.
Step 6: Participants will initiate their GD and they will communicate as per the communication style traits.
Step 7: After 10 min of discussion facilitator can ask the group to come to an conclusion on the topic.
Step 8: Ask the participants to sit in the same place for debrief.
Debrief: Randomly pick the participant and ask the participant which communication style he/she got in the chit and how did he/she feel while following a specific communication style during the discussion and also pros & cons of the style followed by them during the activity.
I used this method while making the participants understand how each communication style is different and importance of being an assertive communicator.
Comments (1) (4.0 avg / 1 ratings)
Liked this process, participants get into deep reflection of understanding of communication style