Mutual ranking
For a defined collective objective in your team define a set of criteria (around 4) to be assessed. Each month, perform a collective assessment: all team members assess their colleagues and rank them on the 4 criteria.
assess performance in a team fostering team spirit and mutual support.
You have defined collective objective in your team. It means that success or failure will be for all, but it doesn't mean all teammates are equal. Here is a way to assess performance in a team fostering team spirit and mutual support. First define a set of criteria (around 4) to be assessed, balancing between individual and collective results (e.g. productivity in one hand, contribution to the team spirit in the other hand). Each month, perform a collective assessment: all team members assess their colleagues and rank them on the 4 criteria. The average ranking of each team member is then displayed and results are discussed. The team decides on actions to improve collectively the scores.
It can be done on any team mature enough to discuss collectively about performance.
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