Pecha Kucha
A learning and presentation technique for sharing ideas
For a group to create together a series of visual images that tell their story quickly and in relevant detail
Setting: One or more laptops, beamer; and a digital camera can also be a help
Number of participants: 26-50
Time needed: 3 hours
Ideal conditions: A team who has a story to tell about which they are enthusiastic
Pre-Work Required: none
Facilitator personality fit: Some degree of enthusiasm to encourage the group to try it out
Title: Pecha Kucha or 20 X 20
Introduction: Too often a team given the assignment to "give the group a 5 minute summary on a topic may have had a rich and productive discussion in preparation, but then find it difficult to summarize the fullness of their concepts, opinions and concerns in the time allotted.
Pecha Kucha or 20 X 20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images forward automatically and you talk along to the images. It can be used by any group to report on for example, their discussion, what their department does, how their project is going so far, whatever.
Intent: To allow a group to report their thinking about an issue in a rapid but comprehensive and visually stimulating fashion. This presentation technique works well both at the start of a longer session to enable groups to introduce themselves, but also at the close of a program, to summarize what happened and what was achieved.
1. Divide the participants into teams, probably not larger than 10 people each.
2. Have blank paper, tape, markers, a digital camera and a laptop connected to the internet for each team.
3. Explain to the participants what the topic is on which they are reporting.
4. Describe the Pecha Kucha rules:
a. Your presentation may have no more and no less than 20 slides, with each showing for 20 seconds.
b. Each slide must have an image: photo, drawing, design,etc.
c. Organise the team and its script so that each participant has a role in the presentation.
5. Caution teams that the best way to do this work is to tape 20 sheets of blank paper on the wall, and work together to fill out this "story board". Then they can proceed to photograph, create or find the images to fill out their report.
6. Give teams at least one hour to do this work; longer if you can afford it.
7. Facilitators keep time and may assist teams with PowerPoint and photo technology. Ensure that presentations follow the 20 X 20 rules precisely.
8. Enjoy the presentations and celebrate!
Usual or Expected Outcomes: The team creating the presentation is pleased because they have been able to tell their story well. The rest of the group is pleased because they have understood well what the team was reporting. Both are delighted that it took place is a short time.
Potential pitfalls: The short reports require at least one hour to prepare.
How success is evaluated: To what degree is the presentation useful beyond the day of the workshop?
Examples of successes and failures: Subgroups of a large public organisation were able to explain their work to one another very well using this method.
Source: Imaginal Training
Derived from: Pecha Kucha by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture, Tokyo
Recognizable components: Determining a theme
Creating the points of the story and sequencing them
Finding images for each story point
Determining who will report what
References: Determining a theme
Creating the points of the story and sequencling them
Finding images for each story point
Determining who will report what
Alternative names: 20 X 20
Comments (2) (4.5 avg / 2 ratings)
The Pecha Kucha presentation is also and excellent and fun way for class participants to introduce themselves in a training workshop setting. Provide the instructions ahead of time so they come to the workshop with their presentations ready. They can talk about anything - personal background, family, hobbies, work experience, what led them to this workshop, etc. I experienced this in my LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development https://www.lead.org/ ) training with participants from all walks of life and from various parts of the country. It was a fantastic way to get to know everyone, and no one can talk for more than 6min40sec. :) We had Q's and A's if people had questions for the presenters. We did a debrief on the exercise and talked about what kinds of topics participants thought were important for them to include when presenting themselves to the group. This kind of in-depth introduction was important because our workshop was the first of 3 multi-day training experiences with our cohort and we would be working in teams during the training.
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