Personal Journalling
We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience.
Each person has their own, individual learning experience. By reflecting on your thoughts, you can learn from them. Employees are learning professionals, and simultaneously make the organization learn as well. The is essential for organizations to become adaptive and relevant in a rapidly changing world.
Reflecting is not a one-off thing; the aim is to make this a continuous process. It is not something to only do after a week or day has ended, it can be done throughout the process or day. You can train yourself to have a reflective attitude. By making thoughts explicit, naming them, speaking them out, and ask critical questions about them, you can deliberately take a second stance on your thoughts, and learn from them.
Ask yourself questions about your experience at that moment, and write your reflections (thoughts, insights, observations) down during the process. Reflecting is not the same as evaluating. Evaluating is done afterward, and is mainly done about facts, judgments, right and wrong, and the result. You reflect as much as possible during the process and at the beginning and end, focusing on experiences and creating new perspectives. That experience can be anything: a dissatisfied feeling, a nice conversation with a customer or colleague.
By setting an intention, you commit to something. It can be practical to-do’s, but it also can be an attitude, point-of-view, or a central question. This intention affects everything that comes next. By setting an intention, you gain experience in a more focused and conscious way. Insights you gain are individual, on a personal level, e.g. “I notice that by using the tool, ...”.
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