Pro Action Cafe
A blend of Open Space and World Cafe that gets large groups of people working on action, in a co-creative, peer coaching environment.
To support diverse action plans and to create a generative peer support environment
1. introduce the process and Have participants identify a topic, one per table of four. No more no less! (15 minutes)
2. Project hosts take their places at tables with three empty seats. Participants join them, first come first served. (5 minutes)
3. Round 1: What is the question behind the question? (30 minutes)
4. Round 2: What is missing? What would make this better? (30 minutes)
5. Round 3: A break for everyone. Project hosts reflect on this questions: (20 minutes)
- What am I learning about myself?
- What am I learning about my project?
- What are my next steps?
- What help do I still need?
6. Round 4: In the last round project hosts get to ask for additional help from their coaches. (30 minutes)
7. Gratitudes and debrief. Project hosts share gratitudes and next steps. (15 minutes)
The Pro Action Cafe is a space for creative and action oriented conversation where participants are invited to bring their call - project - ideas - questions or whatever they feel called by and need help to manifest in the world.
The concept of Pro Action Cafe is a blend of “world cafe” and “open space” technologies. It was first conceived by Rainer von Leoprechting and Ria Baeck in Brussels, Belgium.
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