Project Wrap-up
This session is for members of a team to learn from their experiences on a project, to support each other to improve, and to bring closure to the team. They start by drawing out the high and low points of the project, and use these to move into a discussion about what they have learned. They define some actions that they are going to take into future projects, and support each other by giving feedback to improve their practice.
To learn from their experiences on a project, to support each other to improve, and to bring closure to the team
Step 1:
Start with a check-in to let the team members settle into the session. Stress the importance of being present and focused for reflective sessions like this. Explain that the focus of the session will be creating closure on the project and harvesting as much learning as possible. Consider using the IDOART method to structure and introduce the session.
Facilitator notes
Use any other feedback prompts or methods that you think are appropriate. At any point you think is useful you can stop the exercise and bring the whole group together for a discussion. This often helps people to see that their highs, lows, fears, and joys are shared by others.
Step 2:
Put a large paper on the wall with a timeline representing the period of the project. Label the top half with a smiley face, and the bottom with a frowny face. This is going to be the “emotional graph” for the project. Invite all team members to draw a curve across the page, representing their experience of the project.
Step 3:
Next, ask members to write words or draw images that represent the highs of the project. They should think about why these were peaks, what happened, what lead up to them, what were the success factors, and what did they learn from that? Give them around 10 minutes.
Step 4:
Next, do the same with the lows, writing words or drawing images that represent those points in the project. Ask them to think about what happened, what lead to the low point, what did they learn about themselves, their own reactions, and how they acted. Give them around 10 minutes.
Step 5:
Next, on post-its or the same piece of paper, ask them to identify their three biggest areas of development during the project. How have they grown as a person? Give them around 10 minutes.
Invite each member to spend 3-5 minutes speaking about his/her experience, touching on main highs, lows and areas of development. During these presentations, other members might ask coaching-style questions, but they should not turn into discussions.
Step 6:
Finally, invite members to reflect on expectations and actions for the next project they are part of. What do they want to achieve? What do they want to learn? How do they need to act to ensure success? Give them around 10 minutes.
Step 7:
As a final shared experience, members should give each other feedback. Explain and discuss why working with effective feedback is important.
Everyone should give and receive feedback from all of the team members. You can use any of the methods in the toolbox that you think are appropriate for this group, but some useful feedback prompts at this stage are:
- From working with you, I’ve learnt that…
- You have affected me positively by...
- You have affected me negatively by… And what I need is...
Step 8:
After everyone has given feedback you can close the session with a check-out. Ask the team members to state again what they might take with them into a new team, based on what they have said and heard in this session.
Source: Hyper Island toolbox
Hyper Island designs learning experiences that challenge companies and individuals to grow and stay competitive in an increasingly digitized world. With clients such as Google, adidas and IKEA, Hyper Island has been listed by CNN as one of the most innovative schools in the world
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