This step-by-step method is intended to facilitate the co-creation of actual measures and steps towards change within a team or an organisation. All participants are involved and develop all the ideas together. You have idea owners but the content is created through a process where everyone is involved in all ideas.
Co-creation of ideas
Common goals with concrete first steps
Ownership/Guardianship of ideas
Collective Creativity
1. You need one flip chart less than you have questions prepared, 5 questions - 4 flip charts, so the first group returns to their own in the last round.
2. Write one topic/question/challenge on top of each flip chart. It is recommended that you have a different topic on each flip chart, but they can be in the same category (e.g. Category: Trust - 1 flip chart: communication 2. flip chart - establishment)
3. Let participants assign themselves across the flip charts. Aim for equal groups, however, have at least 3 people/per flip chart. All flip charts need to be populated.
4. Ask the groups to decide on a host. S/he will stay with the flip chart and be the institutional memory of the process and discussions.
5. Start the screwdriver
Step 1.BRAINSTORM (10 min): Brainstorm solutions/answers/ideas to the topic. IMPORTANT: Mention that this is not about discussions and that only clarifications are allowed. The aim is to collect as many ideas as possible.
Step 2. PRIORITIZATION (15 min): Ask the teams (except for the host) to move to the next flip chart. The host presents the new team with the brainstorming result. The next task is to pick one idea to take further. IMPORTANT: The team must not change the original idea in sense and meaning.
Step 3. RESOURCES AVAILABLE (20 min): Ask the teams to move to the next flip chart, where the host presents the status. Now ask the teams to identify resources that are already present to realize this idea. IMPORTANT: The teams must not go into what is needed and remind them that everything (!) is a resource.
Step 4. RESOURCES NEEDED (20 min): Ask the teams to move on to the next flip chart, where the host presents the status quo and discussions. Now the teams should discuss, what is still needed to realize this idea. IMPORTANT: Remind them on things that they have actually access to and not unrealistic things.
Step 5 (optional):. RISKS: Ask the teams to move to the next flip chart and ask them to discuss potential challenges/risks/obstacles to realizing this idea.
Step 6. THE FIRST STEP (15 min): Ask the groups to return to their original flip chart and let the host present the result of each topic to the original group that did the brainstorming. Ask the teams then to formulate the first concrete step to realize this idea based on the information on the flip chart. IMPORTANT: Clarify that a first step should be specific and be possible to be immediately implemented. Example: A workshop is NOT a concrete first step. It takes many steps before making a workshop happen. The more concrete the team, the higher the chance, the idea will be realized.
Step 7. PRESENTATION: Let the groups present the outcome in max 3 minutes each to the whole team. Avoid qualifications and long presentations. If necessary, interrupt to keep the energy high.
This method was developed by Thomas Lahnthaler and Thomas Kayer at the end of a 2-day workshop with 60 people, where the aim was to develop concrete ideas that were collaboratively developed and everyone felt ownership to.
The two facilitators worked out this brilliant system, which allows for everyone to contribute to other ideas, however, have a clearly assigned ownership and responsibility over one specific topic. This way the whole team has the feeling, they contributed and are part of the change this way.
The exercise is energizing, stimulates creativity and allows for learning to share responsibility and to open up to others inputs on the own idea. The process of letting go and seeing what becomes of the own idea is extremely positive for the team and the cohesion in it as well as the individual learning.
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