Sort Yourself Up
Sort Yourself Up
by Sunny Tan for SunnyTan.
Something fun to bring people away from their seat, get on their feet and knowing more about each other.
Know each other and break away from the workshop routine
- Everyone stands up and forms a horizontal line in front of the facilitator, from left to right.
- The objective is for them to sort themselves according to their date and month of birth, starting from 1 Jan on the left and 31 Dec on the right.
- How long will the group get this done?
- Everyone should go back to their table and, with a post-it, write down the area where they are staying.
- The objective is to sort themselves according to where they stay, from West to East.
- Notice that it's now easier to see and sort themselves visually instead of shouting in the earlier activity.
This was originated from one of the methods found in the library and I made modification to it.
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