Team Vision in image(s)
To collectively produce the team Vision in image(s)
The team has produced the team compass poster and an image representation that tell about the focus, the meaning and the added value of the team
Step 1 (20')
Individual thinking step - The facilitator to instruct all to individually think and write (so others can read) on 4 different posters (5 min per poster):
- Poster 1: One sentence that says what the team does (that no one else does) / its uniqueness
- Poster 2: One sentence that says why the team exists (what does the team contribute to which is bigger than itself)
- Poster 3: A short list of key stakeholders to the team (people or entities outside the team) and the added value they each expect from the team
- Poster 4: The mindset / values needed to succeed and the existing team assets
If some participant says "we have a mission statement...", answer that then it will be easier for them to answer the above questions and proceed
Step 2 (20')
Subgroups convergence step > The facilitator to form 4 subgroups and assign each a poster. Produce for each poster one long sentence to describe::
- From poster 1: the overall focus of the team
- From poster 2: the deep meaning of the team
- From poster 3: the added value the team is set to produce restricted to no more than 5 most key stakeholders
- From poster 4: the expected spirit and skills of the team
Step 3 (10')
Plenary finalisation of team compass - The facilitator to get the team to:
- share each subgroup's production, remove duplicate information
- simplify so as to fit everything on one single poster that should be easy to read
- each take a photo of the poster that will be the team's compass from now on
Step 4 (30')
Preparation of a representation in image(s) - in subgroups (from 5 to 10 participants)
Instruct the subgroups to produce a representation in image(s) of the team compass and additionnally find an inspiring motto.
Image(s) could be different thing (drawing, theater scene, video, playmobil village...), the idea being to produce something together using the emotional, creative brain.
If it is a video it should be less than 2 min.
The motto should be part of the representation.
All team members should take part on the activity.
It is expected that much trial and error will occur before the team is satisfied with the result.
Step 5 (20')
Share the results in plenary
Each group to present their output (2 min max).
The facilitator invite to vote for the favorite production through applausemeter!
The facilitator invite to step back and ask the team to react. Any feelings, any comments, the motto you want to keep.
Step 6 (10'+10')
Personal impact
1. The facilitator invite for a 1-1 discussion around the imapct of the team compass (10min).
How do you look at your daily work with this Vision in mind? Anything to(re)consider?
Does it change anything? any feeling?
2. The facilitator invite to close the session by sharing in plenary a word, a feeling...
You might need to help the team work from whatever they have at hand and cut short unsuccessful refining conversations. The more unclear they are, the more it is important that they produce a visual in the time they are given, it will help them formulate some sense of direction.
Done with various teams. A mix between team compass, Mission magic and Look into the future.
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