I used to think...But now I think...
A simple but effective closing activity that could lead to identify the learning point or outcomes for participants and measure the change in their behavior, mindset or opinion regarding the subject.
A simple but effective closing activity that could lead to identify the learning point or outcomes for participants and measure the change in their behavior, mindset or opinion regarding the subject.
This activity could easily break the ice at the beginning of a workshop, enabling participants to get to know each other in a fast process.
A great and simple activity for fostering teamwork and problem solving with no setup beforehand.
With this activity the participants get to know each other on a deeper level.
A good way to start a meeting/workshop/training to see how participants are feeling, what might be distractions that they are carrying with themselves into the room and how low/high their energy level is.
How to introduce yourself in a fun, creative way? Build a handshake!
This activity could be a great closing of a session or a workshop, revisit all the information/learning points while decorating the space.
Paper Telephone is a mix of two methods, "Telephone" and "Pictionary". It is a creative game aiming to fasten the get-to-know each other phase of the team while having a good time.
Trust Walk is a great activity for workshop openings, especially if the workshop aims to build trust and understanding between participants. It challenges the participants to give up control over a situation and put their "fate" into other's hands.