Whose story is it?
A fun and interactive storytelling game that helps team members learn more about each other by guessing which colleague’s experience matches each story.
A fun and interactive storytelling game that helps team members learn more about each other by guessing which colleague’s experience matches each story.
This process is intended to involve the team in shaping its own work environment and promote a culture of continuous improvement.
A fun and creative icebreaker where teams or individuals pitch a fictional movie based on a random theme, encouraging quick thinking, collaboration, and plenty of laughter.
A positive and uplifting icebreaker that encourages team members to reflect on achievements, recognize each other’s contributions, and build a culture of appreciation.
A hands-on and creative icebreaker that uses LEGO bricks to help teams express ideas, challenges, and personal insights through metaphors.
A fun and interactive icebreaker that uses a classic game of Jenga to spark meaningful conversations and strengthen team connections.
A fun and engaging team-building game that tests employees' knowledge about their workplace while encouraging collaboration and friendly competition.
Draw your mood is a simple icebreaker activity that encourages the group to share their feelings in a safe, creative manner.
Een aantal doe-opdachten met enige uitdaging in kleine groepjes die het belang van de job illustreren en uitdiepen.
Die Marshmallow-Challenge kann in mehreren Teams stattfinden, die dann gegeneinander antreten oder in Gruppen innerhalb eines Team. Pro Gruppe max. drei bis sechs TeilnehmerInnen. Wie viele Teams dann insgesamt an der Challenge teilnehmen, ist flexibel gestaltbar. Bei Gruppen mit mehr als 30 TN empfehlen wir 2 bis 3 ModeratorInnen.