Ten True Statements about creativity
Time: 5-10 minutes
(15-30 minutes) Write down 10 true statements about your creativity in your Creativity Notebook. These can be anything: ‘I feel the most creative when I’m dancing.’ ‘My desk needs to be messy/tidy for me to feel like I can be creative.’
EXTRA CREDIT: If you get even the slightest whiff of an 'aha!' moment, add a second layer sentence to your Noticing Wall (the back page of your Creativity Notebook). Noticing Wall Statements look like anything from, 'Huh, I never thought of it that way!' to 'Wow, I guess I really do need a messy desk to feel creative; I wonder why.'
Creativity, Connection, Growth, Innovation, Creative Thinking, Creative Safety, Psychology Safety
(15-30 minutes) Write down 10 true statements about your creativity in your Creativity Notebook. These can be anything: ‘I feel the most creative when I’m dancing.’ ‘My desk needs to be messy/tidy for me to feel like I can be creative.’
EXTRA CREDIT: If you get even the slightest whiff of an 'aha!' moment, add a second layer sentence to your Noticing Wall (the back page of your Creativity Notebook). Noticing Wall Statements look like anything from, 'Huh, I never thought of it that way!' to 'Wow, I guess I really do need a messy desk to feel creative; I wonder why.'
SHARE! Feel free to share in chat or out loud. And, like the book title says, please feel free to 'Steal Like An Artist.' If anyone's creativity statements resonate with you, write that shit down. Hearing about each other's creative processes can be as eye-opening as discovering our own.
After 20+ years as a writer and editorial director, and 15+ years as a writing instructor, I realized my students' creativity needs to happen in layers. I.e., they needed to open the tap before they even considered pouring a beer.
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