Three Favorites
A group idea-generation and ice-melter activity.
When you want an experience of co-creation and to learn more about the people in the room.
Each person writes down three of their favorite things in big letters on paper turned sideways ( activities, foods, places—anything.)
Everyone walks around with their papers face-out, seeing as many as they can in 3 minutes.
Then, people pair up with someone unfamiliar. The two combine things from both lists to create as many new businesses that don't yet exist as they can in 7 min utes.
When time's up, hear a few of the ideas in the room.
Ask what behaviors made that experience work. How could more of those same behaviors help with your real work? Commit to what you'd like to try doing more of.
Source of this activity:
From Gary Hirsch, co-founder of On Your Feet - https://oyf.com. I learned this in a workshop Gary co-facilitated with Mariah Mercedes Muñoz at the 2023 Applied Improvisation Network conference in Vancouver.
About me:
I am the owner of Creative Sandbox Solutions™, a Silicon Valley-based learning and development consultancy that helps senior tech leaders increase their influence and reduce conflict by helping their teams communicate and connect better so their research has impact across the organization. Our team- and leadership-development programs strengthen connection, communication, collaboration, clarity, and creativity. All with play-based methods that make the experience memorable and fun!
(415) 860-5463
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