Trait Tales
build relationships
understanding others and their skills/strengths
build listening skills
1. Each person silently writes 3 strengths or superpowers (1 min)
2. Form groups of 2 or 3, decides who goes first
3. In your small group, the first person has 2 min to share a story that embodies one of the qualities that they listed. They don't share the quality directly. (1-2 min)
4. After they share their story the rest of the group guesses what quality they were thinking of and the first person confirms what was the quality after the other participants in the group have a chance to guess. (1-2 min)
5. Repeat for each person in the group (4 min each)
6. Debrief
Rather than start with individuals listing strengths, start with people to think of a story in response to a prompt (e.g. What is a story of an accomplishment from the last year that you are proud of achieving) and from that they can identify a strength that was at play. Then break into groups and share stories.
Learned as "Here's what I did" from Paul Z. Jackson at the 2024 board retreat of the Applied Improvisation Network.
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