Trolley Dilemma
Trolley Dilemma
Very handful exercise to put the participants in the situation where they have to make hard decision under time pressure.
To make participants realise that they are making decisions based on different values, so in order to efficiently make decisions in a group of people, all of the values needs to be recognised and addressed.
- Read to the participants the trolley dilemma (it is worth to depict it as well).
- Ask them to form groups (as big as possible, but less than 6 people).
- Give participants 2 minutes to make a decision whether to pull the leaver or not.
- Give every group 3 minutes to explain why did they make such a decision?
- Now read to the participants modified trolley dilemma.
- Give them again 2 minutes to make a decision (in the same groups as before).
- Again give every group 3 minutes to explain why did they make such a decision?
- Debrief the exercise focusing on the conditions of the exercise, time pressure, the outcomes of their decision, the changes in their decisions and values based on which they were making the decision.
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