What are you doing?
This is a simple drama game in which participants take turns asking each other “What are you doing?” and acting out the various responses. Though simple, it engages the imagination and gently challenges participants out of their comfort zone by having them mime a range of different actions.
To challenge participants out of their comfort zone by using their imagination.
Step 1:
The group stands in a circle.
Step 2:
One person enters the circle and begins miming an action (e.g. brushing hair or frying an egg). They continue until another member of the group enters the circle and asks: “What are you doing?” The first person responds by describing any action other than the one she is doing. For example, if she is pretending to brush hair, she might say something like “I’m playing hockey.” The second person must then begin to mime playing hockey.
Continue until most or all members have had a chance in the middle. Encourage participants to be creative with the actions.
Tips for running this activity online
- Step 1: Explain the rules of the game and invite someone from the group to go first. If no one volunteers, it's the facilitator's job to go first! Ensure that everyone is on webcam and ready to participate.
- Step 2: The first person begins miming an action (e.g. brushing hair, frying an egg, playing a power ballad on guitar). They continue until another member of the group raises their hand and guesses what action they are doing.
- When someone correctly guesses the action or comes close, they then begin to mime a new action. Continue until most or all members have had a chance to mime out an action. Encourage participants to be creative with the actions.
Source: Hyper Island toolbox
Hyper Island designs learning experiences that challenge companies and individuals to grow and stay competitive in an increasingly digitized world. With clients such as Google, adidas and IKEA, Hyper Island has been listed by CNN as one of the most innovative schools in the world
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