What will you tell who about what made your day today?
At the end of a meeting, participants have to go back to their boss, organization, community or family. There they'll asked a question like "what did you do?". This prepares them to that question, informs them about what others will say - and who maybe the source of this message and it give them as well as you feedback on the session. It also reinforces commitment.
getting actionable results, preventing "noise", confidence in communicating about meeting and results
1. Sit in a circle or circles (with larger groups). Stand at a central location. Recapitulate the meeting. Summarize results. Prepare their return to their job. organization, group... . Intention is to make this easier.
2. Formulate and write down the question, like "Think of somebody you'll meet shortly or tomorrow. What do you intend to tell who (when?) about what we did (achieved) today?". Write your ideas down on your paper or note book.
3. Share, if you want. You can do this pop-up style, in smaller groups, or with their neighbours, depending on the time left and the size of the group
4. Optional: what stands out? how will you tweak your story on what you heard? If relevant: what will we tell our manager/boss/leader?
5. Optional: stick the quotes on the wall on leaving.
Thank the participants.
I use it nowadays a lot. It usually brings new energy to the participants and some unexpected insights. I prefer it over asking to give one or a few words about the session.
It is a variant on "what will you tomorrow differently?", which is - to my knowledge - based on Drucker.
The technique is also based on "deflection": you do not tell the group or the facilitator about the session, but some outside party. The image is "deflected", indirect. At the same time, you do tell some things about yourself, by supplying the context.
Also the technique gives more context to the results of the session. It helps in taking actions and creates commitment to each other. It also enables participants to tune their stories. Finally. it usually contains feedback on the meeting too.
Comments (1)
I just added this to a session I'm conducting next week. I love it and I'm confident it will go well. Thank you so much for sharing!