Wonderful Circle
Wonderful Circle
by Erica Marx for Erica Marx Coaching.
simple activity for closing a group session (or other uses)
people have an opportunity to share
everyone feels complete
Form a Tight Circle
- Everyone stands closely together, with their feet nearly touching.
- Everyone stands closely together, with their feet nearly touching.
Start Shuffling
- The group begins taking small, quick, unsynchronized shuffle steps to the right, like a lively foot-applause. The movement is light and fun, not rigid or in unison.
- The group begins taking small, quick, unsynchronized shuffle steps to the right, like a lively foot-applause. The movement is light and fun, not rigid or in unison.
Offering a Takeaway
- At any moment, anyone in the group can speak up to share a takeaway from the session.
- While they are talking, the group pauses all movement to listen attentively.
Change Direction
- As soon as the person finishes speaking, the group resumes shuffle steps in the opposite direction.
- As soon as the person finishes speaking, the group resumes shuffle steps in the opposite direction.
"Are We Done?"
- At any point, anyone can ask, "Are we done?"
- If someone responds with "No!", the group continues shuffling, switching direction whenever a new takeaway is shared.
- If someone responds with "Yes!", the activity concludes.
Wonderful Circle was developed by Matt Weinstein and published in Playfair: Everybody's Guide to Noncompetitive Play by Matt Weinstein (1980). See more of Playfair's work here - https://playfair.com/
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