In pairs
Round 1
Choose a common object (ie. toothbrush, box, flashlight, etc.)
Player 1: Attempts to sell an object to the other person. They will keep finding reasons the other person should buy it. They are allowed to assign magical powers to the object as needed/desired (this flashlight can read your mind)
Player 2: Says "Nope!" and gives a reasonable reason why they they don't want to buy the item.
Game play continues back and forth
Round 2
As above except now each player is given the option of an "emergency exit"
The seller can choose to say "okay, no problem, I'll keep it for myself"
The buyer can choose to buy the object
Variation: Group version
Competitive group version. Divide group into "teams" 2 people are the pair, representing the group. After they receive a line from the other player they consult with their group on what to say in response.
Variation: Topics
Instead of playing with selling object, play with asking for a favor. e.g. Can you help me move my furniture?
Learned from Terje Brevik at the 2022 AIN conference. Name comes from Amnesty International canvassers who approach you on the street attempting to collect money. They dynamic of when you may support the cause but the interaction is challenging in the moment.
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