1/2/3 - Snap/Clap/Stomp
In pairs count to 3. Then replace 1 with snap, 2 with clap, 3 with stomp
In pairs count to 3. Then replace 1 with snap, 2 with clap, 3 with stomp
The group tells made-up fortunes inspired by a random gif
Come up with the world's worst way to approach something. Play as a game and/or use to generate productive ideas
Can I take your spot? The "Yes" Game is an interactive exercise that helps participants explore the dynamics of agreement and disagreement.
Diese Übung hilft, kreative Blockaden zu überwinden und stärkt auch das Vertrauen innerhalb der Gruppe und fördert zudem die Fähigkeit, spontan und flexibel auf unerwartete Situationen zu reagieren.